Visiting this website

Zandory collects non-personal data about visitors to this website in order to update and improve this website and to offer you an even better service. In this way, you will be provided with the most relevant information during your visit.

Personal information

Personal data is only collected when it is voluntarily provided by visitors to this website. This includes information such as name, address, telephone/fax number and e-mail address. This data is only used for the stated purpose (order confirmation, information about your delivery, customer satisfaction survey), unless expressly agreed otherwise with the data provider.

Personal and non-personal data collected by Zandory is considered confidential and will not be resold, rented or otherwise made available to third parties.

All material received by  Zandory through this website is considered non-confidential and, unless otherwise stated, is free of proprietary rights. Zandory will use, reproduce, apply and transfer this material without restriction, including ideas for products or production methods and know-how contained in this information.

Information on price and dimensions

This website contains the prices and dimensions of our products, with or without assembly. The stated prices and dimensions are carefully observed. However, despite this care, typing errors or outdated information may have crept into the information. Zandory therefore reserves the right to correct any errors without prior notice.